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RecAp - Resilient Cities Accelerator Program Batch II Successfully Kicked Off!!!

RecAp - Resilient Cities Accelerator Program Batch II at WATT The Firms in Ghent was successfully Kicked Off yesterday!🚀 It was a great and intense day - pitches, workshops, and over 70 one-on-one meetings!

With the support of amazing corporate Revive, PropTech Lab (Belgium), KBC Bank & Verzekering, Cordeel Group, Vandenbussche NV - Bouwonderneming Aalter, Eneco Belgium, VGD, and Cresco. BitaGreen is proud to announce been selected as one of the top 10 thriving ESG startups to help make cities more resilient:

Thank you, David Dessers, for hosting an insightful workshop on Corporate Partnering and Best Practices, as well as Idriss Goossens, for hosting Dominating Real Estate Value Chain group session; so inspiring!

Thanks to our Program Director, Sara Trontelj, and Partnership Director, Walt Okafor, for a great event!

Now we will discuss partnerships and growth. Let’s get started!🚀

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